


Trauma or sometimes referred to as Post-Trauamtic Stress Disorder, occurs when people experience damaging events that the body remembers that usually don’t go away on their own. Trauma can affect every area of a person’s life and often makes it difficult for them safe and enjoy life as they may always be “on” or aware of their surroundings. They also have a hard time forming and maintaining relationships which creates more stress and isolation. I often describe the effects of trauma as affecting every area of one’s life as it make the negative emotions (e.g., shame, guilt, and fear) worse, while numbing a person from positive emotions (love, happiness, and peace).

There are several routes to help someone recover from trauma. The therapy I use (Cognitive-Processing Therapy), works by helping a person work with their trauma in a way in which they become “unstuck” and can start to move and recover with their lives. I also help people make peace with all of the parts of themselves that often become hard to manage on their own. Are you tired of living with the past? Click to the link below to schedule your free phone consult so we can help you move past this together.